Tulsa Boys Home


HorsesEach year, the Tulsa Boys’ Home delivers residential services to approximately 180 boys and their families. Forty of the sixty-four residents are placed by the child welfare division of Department of Human Services, and the other twenty-four are privately placed by parents or legal guardians for the Substance Abuse Treatment Program.

TBH has served 12,000 boys in its 99 year history, many of which boys have learned to lead productive lives. They credit TBH for breaking the cycle of poverty, abuse and neglect that is often passed from generation to generation if no help is available. Therefore, TBH’s good work is multiplied through countless families and the children of the children that once lived, and were healed, at Tulsa Boys’ Home.05 finished touch up of campus overview

Members of the Junior Women’s Association have given of their love, time, talents, and resources for many years. In the 1950s, they organized a Christmas card sales program that continues today. Through fundraisers like the annual Buttercup Bash and the Adopt-A-Boy Program, the Junior Women’s Association supports the Tulsa Boy’s Home’s mission of healing.

Members of JWA find joy in celebrating birthdays, providing clothing, and hand-picking holiday gifts for each boy. Junior Women especially look forward to their monthly lodge visits, when members have the opportunity to build positive and supportive relationships with the TBH boys through special activities like pumpkin carving, holiday decorating, football watch parties, and game nights.